Creating custom collections in Swift
When creating collections of objects or values in Swift, we usually
use data structures provided by the standard library - such as
, Dictionary
and Set
While those three cover most use cases, sometimes creating a custom
wrapper collection can enable you to make your code more predictable and
less prone to errors.
This week, let's take a look at how we as app developers can define
such custom collections in Swift, and how - combined with the power of
- it can let us create some pretty nice APIs for ourselves.Removing optionals
Like we took a look at in "Handling non-optional optionals in Swift", reducing the need to use optionals when the values you're looking for are actually required can really help us avoid bugs and make our code easier to work with.
The problem with collections in general, is that you usually can't
make a guarantee whether they contain a certain value, and you therefor
tend to end up with lots of optionals and logic that requires to unwrap
them one way or another.
Let's say that we're building an app for a grocery store, and we want
to have a UI that lets the user display all products by category. To
create a model for such a UI, we might use a
, which uses Category
as its key type and [Product]
as its value type,
like this:
let products: [Category : [Product]] = [
.dairy: [
Product(name: "Milk", category: .dairy),
Product(name: "Butter", category: .dairy)
.vegetables: [
Product(name: "Cucumber", category: .vegetables),
Product(name: "Lettuce", category: .vegetables)
While the above works, it will require us to write code like this in order to -
for example - only display all dairy products:
if let dairyProducts = products[.dairy] {
guard !dairyProducts.isEmpty else {
} else {
That's fine, but it could be nicer. Inserting new products, however,
becomes much more of a hassle:
class ShoppingCart {
private(set) var products = [Category : [Product]]()
func add(_ product: Product) {
if var productsInCategory = products[product.category] {
products[product.category] = productsInCategory
} else {
products[product.category] = [product]
The good news is that we can make both of the above examples much
nicer and cleaner by creating our own custom collection. And the even
better news is that - thanks to Swift's protocol oriented design -
creating such a collection is actually quite easy!
To be a collection
All collections in the Swift standard library conform to the
protocol, which in turn inherits from the Sequence
protocol. By making a custom collection conform to these two protocols,
it can take advantage of all the standard collection operations - such
as iterating & filtering - completely for free.
Let's start by defining the base of our custom
, that will enable us to deal with products and categories in a much nicer way.struct ProductCollection {
typealias DictionaryType = [Category : [Product]]
// Underlying, private storage, that is the same type of dictionary
// that we previously was using at the call site
private var products = DictionaryType()
// Enable our collection to be initialized with a dictionary
init(products: DictionaryType) {
self.products = products
Next, we'll make it conform to Collection
by implementing the protocol requirements.
Most of what we'll do is simply forward calls to the underlying products
and let that do the "heavy lifting":
extension ProductCollection: Collection {
// Required nested types, that tell Swift what our collection contains
typealias Index = DictionaryType.Index
typealias Element = DictionaryType.Element
// The upper and lower bounds of the collection, used in iterations
var startIndex: Index { return products.startIndex }
var endIndex: Index { return products.endIndex }
// Required subscript, based on a dictionary index
subscript(index: Index) -> Iterator.Element {
get { return products[index] }
// Method that returns the next index when iterating
func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
return products.index(after: i)
The above code is using Swift 4, which makes defining custom
collections a lot simpler, thanks to improvements in generic constraints
(we'll look more closely into those improvements and how to use type constraints in a future post).
We now have a custom collection that can be used just as one of the built-in ones. We can, for example, iterate through it:
for (category, productsInCategory) in products {
Or use an operation like map
on it:
let categories = { $0.key }
Custom collection APIs
Now that we have laid the ground work for our collection, let's start
adding some APIs to it that will enable us to make our product handling
code a lot nicer. We'll start with a custom
overload that lets us get or set an array of products without having to deal with optionals:extension ProductCollection {
subscript(category: Category) -> [Product] {
get { return products[category] ?? [] }
set { products[category] = newValue }
Let's also add a convenience API to easily insert a new Product
into our collection:extension ProductCollection {
mutating func insert(_ product: Product) {
var productsInCategory = self[product.category]
self[product.category] = productsInCategory
We can now go back to our original product handling code, and update it to be much
nicer.For reading:
let dairyProducts = products[.dairy]
if dairyProducts.isEmpty {
} else {
And writing:
class ShoppingCart {
private(set) var products = ProductCollection()
func add(product: Product) {
Becoming expressible by a literal
OK, time for the bonus round! Since our custom collection is basically just a wrapper around a
, we can easily add support for initializing one using a dictionary literal. Doing that will enable us to write code like this:let products: ProductCollection = [
.dairy: [
Product(name: "Milk", category: .dairy),
Product(name: "Butter", category: .dairy)
.vegetables: [
Product(name: "Cucumber", category: .vegetables),
Product(name: "Lettuce", category: .vegetables)
Pretty cool! This is not only useful for reducing verbosity in our
production code, but will also make setting up product collection mocks
in our tests a lot simpler.
All we have to do to make the above happen is to conform to
, which requires us to implement an initializer that takes a literal, like this:extension ProductCollection: ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral {
typealias Key = Category
typealias Value = [Product]
init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Category, [Product])...) {
for (category, productsInCategory) in elements {
products[category] = productsInCategory
Using custom collections can be a really powerful tool to handle
groups of values in a more predictable and easy-to-use way. While it
probably shouldn't always be your go-to solution as soon as you're
dealing with multiple values, in the right situations it can really help
you write cleaner code.
Understanding how things like collections work under the hood can
also be really helpful when debugging, or to give you insight as to how
code dealing with collections can be optimized. And what better way to
learn more about collections than building your own? 😄
What do you think? Do you already use custom collections or will you
try making one? Let me know, along with any questions, comments or
feedback you might have - either here in the comment section below, or
on Twitter @mrchauhan2802.
Thanks for reading! 🚀
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